Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Check-In Excitement!

Okay, so now that I'm not completely exhausted out of my mind anymore, I feel that it is time to update everyone on check-in!

Check-in line around 7:00
(this was BEHIND us.)
My roommates and I got to Vista around 3:30 AM and we weren't the first people in line. There were roughly 30 people in front of us by that point. Apparently the first person got there around 2:00 AM (which was CRAZY.) We then proceeded to wait on the sidewalk in front of Vista until 7:30 when they finally let us in! We then received a notebook with all of the super important information that any CPer would need to know. It's basically like a planner you would get from your school...but a lot more pages.

After we got that we walked into a room where we met up with a very nice lady who assigned us to our room. Luckily we got EXACTLY what we wanted, a two-bedroom in Chatham. We were on the third floor, which was SUPER fun when we all had to unpack our very heavily packed suitcases...BUT I'M STILL SUPER HAPPY. Side note: Apparently after the Fall program, it is the last time where you'll be able to choose where you live. From Spring on, you'll be assigned to your apartment complex. 

Mural  in the hall of
Casting building
We then got our apartment keys and took pictures for our housing ID which were printed right there in the room. After that we got on a bus to CASTING! Stopping to take the much needed picture of the doors, we proceeded to wait in the really pretty room with all of the statues. That was where I found out that I'll be working in Hollywood Studios Icon Attractions. I was SO excited for Hollywood Studios, but I wasn't sure what "Icon Attractions" consisted of. So, when I asked, I was informed that I could possibly be working Great Movie Ride, Star Tours or any other attraction to the left of the Sorcerer's hat. So, imagine my excitement when I realized that the Great Movie Ride was a spieling ride! I could possibly have to memorize stuff! And Star Tours? Dude. I'm a nerd, I love me some Star Wars.

After that excitement, we had to do fingerprinting and stuff and a bunch of kinda boring stuff. Then I received my time for Traditions on Thursday, I got the second session (I believe that they're alphabetical, so since my last name is in the second half of the alphabet, I got the second session. Along with all of my roommates.) Then I received my first training schedule! I have my orientation to Hollywood Studios on Friday. Then my visit with casting was complete.

Since my stomach was threatening to cause me harm if I didn't feed it, we made a quick pit stop for food before we proceeded to Chatham. Then I got to unpack all of my extremely heavy stuff up three flights of stairs and unpack and organize everything in my room. Our apartment is HUGE. Honestly. HUGE. There is so much room that we don't know exactly what to do with everything. But there were a lot of things that were DIRTY. I was pretty much cleaning everything in the bathroom twice before I could possibly use it. The bathtub had some mysterious yellow stain that I'm not even going to wonder what it was, because I don't WANT to know.
My bed. :)

But the end result was well worth it! I love my room! It's so DARN CUTE. Also, my roommate Brandi is the best. As a welcome gift to me, I got a Mad Hatter Pook-A-Looz doll. I LOVE the pook-a-looz dolls, SO MUCH. (As you can tell by my bed.) I drew all of my roomies a picture of their favorite characters for my gift. :) That was fun. After I went to dinner with my parents, I pretty much just passed out asleep. Brandi and I tried to watch Alice in Wonderland, but I was so tired, I didn't even make it past the first Absolem scene.

Today we got to sleep in for a little while before we walked to The Commons (the International students complex) where we had our housing meeting. It pretty much just explains all of the rules of the complexes and tells you who to go to when you need certain things. But the beginning was super fun, we walked in and there were laser lights, a disco ball and loud music playing and it was an exciting start to an hour long meeting. :)

Tonight, my roommates and I might be making a stop at Walmart before heading over to the Polynesian resort and watching Wishes from there. Then tomorrow is an Alice in Wonderland welcoming event! I'm so excited! I'm going to take like, a bajillion pictures with the Mad Hatter. I <3 him, SO MUCH. Then it's a roommate adventure to Universal Studios to finally hit up Harry Potter world and the Marvel Superhero island! (Can anyone say AVENGERS MERCHANDISE?!)


  1. Who did you hear from that they were going to change the ways they did assigned apartments, etc.? Just wondering if it was just a rumor being passed down the line, or if that is for certain! I'm applying for the upcoming Spring program, & I'd be a little disappointed at most!

    1. Hey! I heard it from the woman who gave us our room assignment. So, my source is reliable. But I didn't think to ask any more about it. We were too nervous about getting a 2-bedroom at Chatham.

  2. The Great Movie Ride is my favorite ride!!! If you are working it, there is no way I am not coming down to see you!! Not that I wouldn't anyways. But still, yay!! I'm so excited for you!! Your roommates and your housing and pretty much your life right now seem really super awesome! Loving the pics, btw! Keep 'em coming!

    P.S. And isn't it illegal for Disney Cast members to go to Universal? The feud between those parks is legendary. Or, well, the jealousy Universal has towards Disney is anyways. :)

    1. I would LOVE for you to come visit me even if I'm NOT working GMR! I'll keep the posts going, just for you bro. :P

      Also, I'm not an official Cast Member until after Traditions on Thursday, so I think I'll be protected from the "law." After that, I'll be living the life of a true "criminal." I'm a rebel, yo. Gotta live life on the edge, you know?

  3. Wow I'm so surprised they'll be taking away the option of housing from future CP's! Hopefully they give people a say in how much they'll be paying, I know on my CP I didn't make quite enough every week to pay rent for a 2 bedroom in Patterson! Thanks for the heads up, definitely something everyone will have to consider before deciding to apply!

  4. That would be awesome if you end up at GMR! I currently work there, and love it
