Thursday, April 26, 2012

I Have Roommates!

Ahh!!! I'm so excited!

Looking for roommates is incredibly hard when you're under 21. For those of you who don't know, the apartments at Disney housing are divided into Wellness (under 21) and Non-Wellness (21+). Obviously this is to make sure no one is doing anything illegal under Disney's watch and if anyone in a Wellness apartment is found with alcohol it's immediate termination from the program.

But anyway, I've been searching for roommates since I was accepted, and at first no one seemed to have the same arrival date as me, then everyone was over 21 and not interested in "babysitting" as one person told me. Rude.  Then when I did find people under 21, they were interested in drinking and partying! Excuse me? Do you guys not care about your program? You crazy. The Facebook groups aren't that helpful either, I've been looking but EVERYONE is over 21 or partiers, or people who wouldn't get along with someone as nerdy as I am...

But finally, I found roommates! They're both one year older than me and rooming together. One is even working Pirates League! I am so jealous! Pirates League is the pirate equivalent of the Bibbibi Bobbidi Boutique princess makeover, but it's better because you're transformed into a PIRATE! So, I'm very excited for her, because she gets to dress like a pirate every day! Dream job.

The other is working QSFB which is Quick Service Food and Beverage, which means she'll be working one of the food carts in one of the parks, which is still exciting, but hard work. But she's in the same boat as I am, not knowing which park we'll work in or what land we'll work in. It's so suspenseful!!

Anyway, we've been emailing each other back and forth and we're getting really excited, but we still need to find one more roommate. One who will be sharing a room with me. It's incredibly difficult. I almost had a roommate and we had everything in common and were talking every day, but then Disney called her and asked her to change her arrival date. SAD. (They didn't really provide a reason though...) We can't be roommates if we don't have the same arrival date.

So back on the roommate hunt again. Ho hum.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


So, after a month of not posting anything on here and reading other DCP blogs and forums, I realize how freaking excited I am. I'm literally bouncing in my seat right now. I have 117 days to go! I just need to share my excitement, so hopefully someone will humor me by reading this.

I'm excited about finally being able to live on my own. Well, I guess I'm really just excited and NERVOUS. I've always had my own room my entire life, so obviously suddenly having to share a room is going to be a big transition. But the good thing about this is that I'll finally know what it's like to live on my own and how to support myself financially. Being only 19 years old, I've never had to. Now I'm going to have a job with a consistent paycheck and an apartment to live in, buying my own food and anything else I need. (It's also going to be terribly hard to NOT buy everything at Disney World...Cause I admit, I have a "buy everything in the Disney Store" problem. I'll get over it...hopefully.)

I'm also excited about finally being able to see the fireworks at EPCOT for the first time, and being able to see Fantasmic! for the first time. Whenever I got to visit Disney World, my parents would always get tired and would want to beat the fireworks crowd out of the park so we could get on the monorail without much trouble. So, I never got to see the shows. I finally got to see The Magic, the Memories, and You! on my 18th birthday because that's all I asked for (and I got to see it twice. :D)

Now, I understand that its not going to be all sunshine and rainbows, that people are in fact rude or mean. I like to say I'm prepared for that, but no one ever really is. I know that there are going to be serious reality checks and I'm going to be exhausted. I know I'll have good days and bad, but I believe that I'll be able to get through it. I'll just focus on the good to help me get past the bad, and talk to my family almost every night to keep off the homesickness.

One thing I am very nervous about is the language barrier. I know a lot of foreign guests come into the parks every day and I'll be working attractions, so how will I say "Your child is too small to ride." or something along those lines? Hopefully during training they'll tell me how to handle those types of situations. :)